
The August/September issue of “Máquinas e Metais” digital is online. The report “IMTS - The state of the art in machining technology”, on page 18, shows that multitasking machines and connected factory floors are some of the technological trends that can be seen at the next IMTS fair, which will take place again in person, in Chicago (USA), in September. See on page 26 the article “Microstructure and machinability of cast iron: a literature review”, research whose objective is the evaluation of the microstructure in relation to the machinability of cast iron through a systematic literature review (RSL). The methodological approach allows a scientific investigation for the selection of a bibliographic portfolio covering relevant studies on the topic. Furthermore, on page 8, in the “Notes & Information” section, the news “New version of OPC UA integrates industrial inventory function”, about a new version of the OPC UA communication protocol aimed at machine tools that includes the possibility of integration with pre-existing industrial inventory systems. This issue brings also the update “Conventional and CNC vertical lathes”, “End mills (square end)” and “Diamond grinding wheels” buyers’ guides.

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